Monday, August 30, 2010

Book Signing !

Its here! In cause you haven't heard or picked up your copy yet. My first Book Welcome to Silver Rose is available where ever books are sold.

Saturday September 18th I'll be at the Borders bookstore in Monroeville Pennsylvania for my very first book signing!

I'll be there from 2-4 pm
hanging out and signing books

I hope to see you all there !

Sock obsessed !

So I have finally done it! I have made a wearable pair of socks! and maybe it took me seven months to do it since it was my purse knitting , but there they are!

And they fit!
Of course I did have a set back (or several) and the major one happened with the second sock,I was almost done when I decided I didn't like the heel and ended up frogging it . That did not end well for me as you can see.

I thought I was going to run out of yarn. But as you can see by the above pictures I didn't. and below is what I have left.

Those being done (finally!) I caught the cast on bug and not just any cast on bug I have the need to cast on more socks!
Those will be plain vanilla socks

And I blogged about this yarn not too long ago and thanks to everyone who commented these will become anklet socks! (and my new purse knitting )

Since I have thought of nothing but socks for the past 2 weeks I started flipping threw my sock books and landed on this . These are from Wendyknits toe -up socks for everybody aren't they pretty? The first thing I thought of after saying " I have to knit those" of course was I don't have any yarn! (which is untrue of course), the second thing that came to mind was I don't do cables and yet these make me want to learn. I think I'm becoming sock obsessed.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tarot card review

Okay so awhile back I got the Madame Endora's fortune cards. I wanted to work with them a little before jumping right in and writing about them . So upon opening the box which holds 48 cards you will see a mix of fairies, Celtic, and Egyptian style cards which for me it has a little of everything I like!

Normally I never do any of the spreads in that are in the book, I go by the 3 card spread (I know I'm lazy!) but there is one called the seekers fan (shown below) which I found interesting and so I use that for this deck.

Once turned over to read the spread looks like this

What I love most about the cards is that they can be read one of two ways from the book which gives more detail about the card's meaning or you can just read the bottom of the card for a quick reading which would give you good cause to meditate on. This deck is in my top 5 favorites and I would recommend to anyone .

Okay so remember the Bakersfield shawl? well since it didn't turn out they way I had hoped and after blocking it twice the yarn still curled up so I figured I had two choices I could

A) throw it out


B) try to unravel it and save the yarn to make something else

As you can see the yarn wound back up with out any trouble. Now to figure out what I am going to do with it ! Anyone have any ideas?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Nothing Much Monday

So Saturday I got great mail from Piddeloop she has the most amazing bags! Which were put to work as soon as I opened the envelope

I finally spun up the first skein? of roving I ever bought its 8oz of wool and seashell. I have spun the first 4oz's which turned out to be 168 yards , I started in on the second I am really excited I am thinking a shawl or a neck warmer.......maybe socks!

Speaking of hand spun I have finally finished my hand spun mitts that Ravelry tells me I started in April! But they are done and I have leftovers!

And I finished this little guy over the weekend I'm still not sure if I am going to keep him or he is going to be another drop for the toy society (that would make 3)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Yarn and the sleeping Basset

So not too long ago TLE came out with their own line of solid yarns and of I had to buy its yarn after all ;). So I cast on the Pettine shawl

What I like: it has a stiffness to it that doesn't let it curl all except for the scalloped bottom

What I dislike:it until you start working with (at least to me ) it feels a little rough which I am sure will change once its been soaked and blocked , after knitting with it for awhile it does start to soften up !

Over all I would by this again!

Finally I organized my stash! and Of course I did not think I all that............... Does this qualify me for hoarders?

There was a yarn avalanche that happened right after I took this which proves my point My yarn does attack people (mainly me!)

And Lastly Daisy who had surgery 2 weeks ago has recovered with the help of much spoiling,Including a care package sent by Lucy Dog and Jen which she loves you both forever for it !
Her stitches came out yesterday and of course after getting fussed over by everyone . Daisy did what she does best